If the hand is conic, artistic or philosophic hand, then usually its head line goes downward to the mount of moon and it is natural. This type of headline indicates a tendency towards dream or fantasy and imagination of abstract things. Therefore this line is seen in the hands of artist, writer and others who are engaged in abstract works.
Square hand indicates a calm, steady and practical person and so naturally it has a straight head line. But a bending head line towards the mount of moon in a square hand is exceptional and very interesting. It indicates a tendency towards inventions and imagination. This tendency to imagination is refined by the practical mind of square hand and drives the person towards the necessary inventions in the practical world.
Starting position of headline
The headline has its own normal starting place. If it is displaced from that normal starting place, be sure that his mentality is also abnormal.
The headline starts from the base of the index finger or starts attached with the life line. There are three natural forms of its start:
- Head line starts from the mount of Uranus.
- Or, Head line and life line are closely attached or tangled in the start.
- Or, Head line starts independently and not attached with life line. In this case there is either a narrow or a wide gap between these two lines.
When head line starts from the mount of Uranus: The first case
The lines absorb the qualities and tendencies of the mounts from which they start. In this case as the head line starts from the mount of Uranus, it takes the qualities of Uranus, and makes the person aggressive, arguer and quarrelsome. This nature is magnified intensely if the head line goes straightly to the mount of mars.
If this line rises a little at the end, as if going towards the heart line, then they become quarrelsome in nature and they have a killer instinct hidden inside them.
If this line bends towards the mount of moon, then this nature is subsidized by his mental excellence.
skeptical mind and he has a great
lack of confidence, whether he admits
it or not. He cannot represent his
views and ideas properly and cannot
develop her dreams to reality.
Even though the person is very
intelligent and wise, his qualities are
not flourished fully due to this skeptical nature.
- When head line starts independently: the third case
In this case, head line starts apart from the life line. If this is a long head line, then his mind is very liberal and powerful. This sign makes the person thinking very liberally, who is not bounded by the current or traditional customs, skeptical nature won’t make a bar for his life, and usually he has enough confidence to express his views and ideas.
They can easily express their opinions. That’s why they come forward in the tasks that require a close contact with people. They have an excellent proficiency over language.
If in this case, the gap between the head line and life line is narrow, then it is a very lucky sign. This sign is very suitable for the persons like preacher, actor, politician and others who deal with people. This sign provides a great mental strength and also forbearance in their planning.
If this line starts independently from the Jupiter mount, then it gives a very liberal and careful mind. That’s why this line is the best among the above three types of head lines.
Continue to ends of head line