Saturday, January 31, 2009

Head line: Indicating your attitude

Look at the type of hand
If the hand is conic, artistic or philosophic hand, then usually its head line goes downward to the mount of moon and it is natural. This type of headline indicates a tendency towards dream or fantasy and imagination of abstract things. Therefore this line is seen in the hands of artist, writer and others who are engaged in abstract works.

Square hand indicates a calm, steady and practical person and so naturally it has a straight head line. But a bending head line towards the mount of moon in a square hand is exceptional and very interesting. It indicates a tendency towards inventions and imagination. This tendency to imagination is refined by the practical mind of square hand and drives the person towards the necessary inventions in the practical world.

Starting position of headline
The headline has its own normal starting place. If it is displaced from that normal starting place, be sure that his mentality is also abnormal.

The headline starts from the base of the index finger or starts attached with the life line. There are three natural forms of its start:

  • Head line starts from the mount of Uranus.
  • Or, Head line and life line are closely attached or tangled in the start.
  • Or, Head line starts independently and not attached with life line. In this case there is either a narrow or a wide gap between these two lines.

    When head line starts from the mount of Uranus: The first case
    The lines absorb the qualities and tendencies of the mounts from which they start. In this case as the head line starts from the mount of Uranus, it takes the qualities of Uranus, and makes the person aggressive, arguer and quarrelsome. This nature is magnified intensely if the head line goes straightly to the mount of mars.

    If this line rises a little at the end, as if going towards the heart line, then they become quarrelsome in nature and they have a killer instinct hidden inside them.
    If this line bends towards the mount of moon, then this nature is subsidized by his mental excellence.

  • When head line starts attached with life line: The second case
    It indicates a very sensitive and

skeptical mind and he has a great

lack of confidence, whether he admits

it or not. He cannot represent his

views and ideas properly and cannot

develop her dreams to reality.

Even though the person is very

intelligent and wise, his qualities are

not flourished fully due to this skeptical nature.

  • When head line starts independently: the third case
    In this case, head line starts apart from the life line. If this is a long head line, then his mind is very liberal and powerful. This sign makes the person thinking very liberally, who is not bounded by the current or traditional customs, skeptical nature won’t make a bar for his life, and usually he has enough confidence to express his views and ideas.

    They can easily express their opinions. That’s why they come forward in the tasks that require a close contact with people. They have an excellent proficiency over language.

    If in this case, the gap between the head line and life line is narrow, then it is a very lucky sign. This sign is very suitable for the persons like preacher, actor, politician and others who deal with people. This sign provides a great mental strength and also forbearance in their planning.

    If this line starts independently from the Jupiter mount, then it gives a very liberal and careful mind. That’s why this line is the best among the above three types of head lines.

Continue to ends of head line

Thursday, January 29, 2009

An introduction to special lines

Along with principal lines, there are often some special lines on hands. We can have a brief look on them here.

  1. Marshal line
    This line is called 2nd life line. Usually it arises from the mount of primary mars(Uranus), and goes along the life line. It is a great straight line and one should not misinterpret the influence lines with this one. It indicates an abundance of health. It helps weak life line and relieves the person from illness as well as empowers the body structure.

  2. Girdle of Venus
    This line is a half circle and starts from 1st or 2nd finger’s base to the 3rd or 4th finger’s base. Usually this line indicates a very sensitive talent. It also makes the person to be a love seeker. Because it increases the tendency for affection and love. The persons having this line act like crazy one. When they like anything, they become very much interested to it. But their mentality gets up and down like mercury- bright with excitement in a moment, sad and upset in another moment.
    If this girdle of venus extends to the marriage line, then this weird mentality and temperament creates so many troubles in family life.

  3. Saturn Ring
    This ring is rarely seen. This is not a good sign. It acts as if it cuts out the happy ending of the fate line. It magnifies the influence of Saturn in the person’s character and if there is a sloppy head line, then the tendency to suicide increases greatly.

  4. Bracelet
    Bracelet is significant in a woman’s hand because it indicates her health. If it forms as a bow in the wrist, then that girl will face troubles in producing child and endangers both the child and her life.
    But if that bracelet is well formed, then it indicates a healthy and powerful body structure.

  5. Vialasciva
    This line brings various sexual images in mind and lessens the life span due to excess sexual desires. If it exists along with a gurdle of venus and the hand is soft, then this brings a very bad result.

  6. Line of intuition
    This line is usually found in philosophic hand, conic hand, artist hand and spiritual hand. It is a half circled line starting from the mercury mount towards the mount of moon. This line indicates a sensitive character who is easily influenced by the person and the environment. This line indicates intuition, inspiration and insight and clearly indicates a tendency toward various mystical phenomena and grows a keen interest to research about dreams, clairvoyance, religion and ghosts.

  7. Mystic Cross
    This cross is usually seen in the field between head line and heart line. It is seen most of the time under the mount of Saturn. This line creates a keen interest in mysterious subjects and magic.

  8. Solomon Ring
    This ring is seen to join the Saturn mount and Jupiter mount. This line usually indicates success and proficiency in all types of mystical subjects. In fact this sign extends the power of human through mysticism and If any person has this ring along with a mystic cross, he will be in the highest position in these matters.

Monday, January 26, 2009

An introduction to principal lines

  1. Life Line: the line that encircle the higher mount of the venus, is called the life line. The position of this line, depth, continuity, length and island marks etc. can give a comprehensive idea about the general health, physical structure and the length of life.

  2. Head line: the line that runs across the palm is known as head line. It indicates everything about the person’s mentality, his attitude, education, mental development, view of life, ethics and attitude towards others. It distinctly indicates the trend of the brain and its interests, the qualities inherited and adopted by work, study and experience.

  3. Heart line: the line that represents the matters related to heart, love and affection rather than sexual desires.

  4. Fate line: this line can be called a line of personality. This line shows whether the person is winning or losing in the game of life. A straight fate line indicates a strong personality of that person, but if other lines don’t support, then he will be apart from others and won’t be social.

  5. Sun line: sun line is the most essential line for a person to get a happy and prosperous life. It helps a good fate line in all ways and the life will flourish with wealth and happiness, name and fame. It brings success to the works. It can give an actor or an artist a vast popularity. This line is the first step for the name of a person. For every person, it will bring success, especially from the time when it starts.

  6. Health line: This line starts from the base of the little finger and runs downward to the life line. It represents the mind and its disturbances. Tensions and mental worries deepen this line and vice versa. If this line does not exist, that is the sign of the best health. It represents that the person’s health is decaying by some unusual mental stresses.
    Generally this line starts from the head line and gradually approaches toward the life line or crosses it. The life line at that age is dangerous and if the health line is more healthy and prominent than life line at that point, then it indicates incurable disease and death.

  7. Marriage Line: These lines usually lie on the side of the mercury mount. However we will know more about love and friendship from other lines.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Mixed hand: the symbol of unsteady person

This type of hand has the fingers each of different types. One or two may be Spatulate or square type, others may be conic or philosophic. These people have wide experience in various fields. They frequently change their mind. They can easily blend themselves into different environments. That’s why they cannot understand their ups and downs easily like other types of people. They are unsteady in nature. They have so many qualities- both good and bad. They become favourite to many people.
They may have some knowledge in a few fields, but cannot be a master in any field because of their frequently changing mind. Sometimes they are calm, sometimes angry, sometimes wise, and sometimes fool!

In this type of hand, fate line and sun line is clearly visible and that’s why they believe in their fate so firmly. You may find this hand among gamblers too.

It is highly recommended that these people should follow only one way otherwise they cannot be expert in any field. If they go through one way, they will be able to be a master in that field and get success easily.

Artist hand: The hand of artist

This hand is the most beautiful hand among all types of hands. It looks longer, narrow and thin. It has little or no knuckle on its fingers. The fingers are long and narrowing shaped. The finger tips are pointed.

The people having this hand are idealistic persons. They are very kind in manner and do not burst out with anger suddenly. They are very frank about themselves and this is the reason why other people can easily cheat them. They become influenced easily by other persons. Usually they love wrong persons and fall into a pitfall in such a way that there remains no other way except death.

This type of people become very pious. They are very much emotional and have a strong belief on their religions. They are very much sensitive but they cannot express themselves properly. That’s why ordinary people do not understand them. They are always haunted by loneliness.

They are very fond of music, art, poetry, dance, lyrics, drama, movies etc and become very joyful. They may be famous in those fields but they don’t get the money like the fame or cannot earn enough properly.

In this hand, the head line is very closely attached to the life line. That’s why they don’t have enough self-confidence. Their head line shows a tendency towards suicide. That’s why the women with this hand become losers in the struggle of life and want to suicide or do so.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Conic hand: The hand of selfish people

The tip of this hand is narrowed to form a cone. The fingers are round and narrowing finger tips look very nice. Their hands are usually round shaped, soft and fleshy. This type of people are fans of beauty. They have an artistic attitude. But they cannot continue any task to the end for a long time if their head line is not long. They have dynamic thoughts and do something from everything. If they do not have a long head line, they cannot do anything properly. The people of having hard palms are likely to be more successful than soft ones.

They like to spend their lives full with dance, music, eating and drinking, and beauty. They like to talk a lot. But they have a light knowledge, not a deep insight into the matter. They apply the instant emotions and intuitions rather than logics. They try to hide their faults with witty speeches. They are a little bit lazy or fond loving. They are very much selfish about their own happiness but very much wide hearted about spending money. They become very much affected with music, pleasure and sorrows.

But if the conic hand is hard and elastic and the headline is depicted deeply, especially when this line is straight or narrow, then this type of women will live gorgeously as long as their appeal remains.

In this type of hand, if there is a distance between the head line and life line, then they have a high ambition and this type of hands are found among various actors and actresses. But what they do, they do it just within some excitement, they do not go deep into it.

Always keep in mind that from the hand types, the palmist can reveal the nature and character of the people. Usually fate line and sun line are depicted in this hand very exclusively. These people are not a maker of fate but they are driven by their fate.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Philosophic hand: the hand of greatest thinkers

This hand is long and conic but the fingers are long with clearly large knuckles and tiny middle sections. The people who have no or little knuckles in their fingers tend to start something on a sudden decision (and of course that often becomes troublesome). On the other hand, people having prominent knuckles take decisions after a thorough analysis and research, not all on a sudden. Their view about life is philosophic, that is why this hand is called a philosophic hand.

We can see some people have long fingers with large knuckles. They have a great analytical mind and intuition power. If their thumb is long, then they become very creative. They research on a certain branch of knowledge and become famous if sun line is prominent. They become expert in philosophy, science, medical science etc. They are very logical and thinker.

Other type of people have short fingers with large knuckles. They love to practice magic, mantras, yoga and other mystical things. They can be great yogi if they make some effort.
They are honest, truthful and a great thinker. They can be great scientist or philosopher. Many great scientists, judge, yogi etc. have this type of hand.

They don’t like to think about money. Rather they like to spend their time thinking and analyzing various theories, higher intellectual thoughts etc. They can be a great astrologer. They very much like to live in lonely places.

They may collect a deep knowledge but rarely collect a large amount of money. They always love to think very deeply and gather knowledge through extensive practice in a certain field. Often they are seen studying about the ancient Egypt or busy in exploring the veiled areas, studying a dead language or engaged in research. They like to live in the world of thought rather than the practical world. This type hand is seen among ascetics, monks etc. They are reticent and able to think deeply. They think thoroughly and very carefully even while talking small words. These people are very difficult to understand or to be intimate. They are very sensitive and curl themselves up when face difficult situations or undesired attentions. They are a true believer in fate; the fate line is clearly depicted on their hand. Sun line is rarely seen on their hands. The philosophic persons do not wish any kind of honour. Their reward is within their mind.

Spatulate hand: that enjoys everything

This hand has broad and thick finger tips. The nails are long and knuckles are more or less prominent.
If the spatulate hand is hard, then they are very independent and have a great personality. They are sometimes moody and tempered unless there is a straight head line. But their nature is unsteady and sometimes cannot advance steadily in works. They want to do everything in hurry. They become angry suddenly but it lasts for only a few moments. They are very humorous and like jokes, funs very much. They want to spend every moment of their life in laughter and hastiness.
They often become sailors and explorers. They have a natural tendency to marine science, architecture, or accounting related tasks, physics, chemistry, math etc. They can be expert in these fields.

But if the hand is soft and fleshy, then the above qualities will lie hidden within them. In other words, they have talents which could not flourish. They cannot do much physical work.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Know why we suffer in life

Sometimes we get frustrated about our life and cannot decide -Which path we should choose? Which career we should take? In which way we should lead our life? Is he/she the right partner for me? However these are the most important questions for a person and should be treated very carefully. If we do some mistakes here, we will suffer terribly, life will be a chaos and we will be unhappy. Millions of people are living an unhappy life because they cannot do what they like, what they chose to do. I have also suffered terribly due to wrong path I took that I did not like. Thus I was the most unhappy person in the world. At last I took my decision that- I will do this no more, better I will engage myself what I have dreamt to do. And I started to walk in a new path. My parents and well-wishers forbade me thousand times not to do such things. But I was clear with my conscience that I was choosing my right career and I would like it. That’s why now I am happy with my life.
A person’s satisfaction comes not only from his entertainments like traveling, reading, watching movies, spending the time with the people whom he likes etc., but also from work. Work is the main part of our life. To live, we all need to work. If the work, its environment or the working profession is not according to our character, it causes many troubles in our life. Yes, you must face many troubles while you work, but this is the impacts that matter. If the job is not conforms to your niche, you won’t like it with your heart and thus the troubles will make you more upset and troubled. But if the job conforms to your character, your niche, you will like it, and you will enjoy overcoming the troubles, spending the time in that job like you are playing an exciting games.
So that truly shows the worth of the old saying- know thyself. You must know what you like or what you donot like, you cannot get a success forcing yourself up against your character. Engaging yourself in a job not conforming to your character shows that you are all time fighting with your own self, all time bleeding in your heart. You will have to hold a mask of satisfaction and finally you will be exhausted without enjoying the world fully. Why bother? Get yourself through a full analysis.
Here the question comes- how can I analyze myself? Yes, there are many processes that Del Karnegy or Shiv Khera and other renowned teachers suggested. Also you can better analyze yourself through palmistry. Seems weird, isn’t it? But once you get it done, you will find a clear path, your favourable and nonfavourable ways, good sides that should be improved, bad sides that should be avoided, jobs that will be most favourable, friends that will be most reliable and every other detailed things that matter in your life. Consider a person who through some analysis found himself as a simple peace loving person, romantic, honest and modest, having an artistic mind, thinker and idealistic. If he chooses a profession that is against his character- that is full of noises and turmoils, tensions and needs to be crazy enough to control the situation, even needs to be cruel or take illegal means to perform a task, you know that is clearly against his character. He surely cannot continue that profession for a long time, if he continues that job, he will be the most unhappy person, I can promise that. I have seen many people of this case in my life. So choose carefully your workplace according to your character, unless you will surely be unhappy like thousands of others, because they don’t know themselves.

Square hand: The practical hand

Square hand is practical hand. This hand is clearly square-like. Its wrist is square shaped, its palm is square shaped, the bases of the fingers, the top, middle and bottom portions of the fingers and even the finger tip and nails look square shaped.

The persons having this hand are not fantasy lover rather very practical. Most of the people in this world are seen having this type of hand. Usually they are mild and steady in nature and have enough practical knowledge. Their view and attitude are ordinary and they are not used see the world from different point of view. They like to work according to a plan. They abide by the laws. What they do, they do it in an organized way. They are not quarrelsome but they may be really stubborn! They like logics and if they don’t understand anything, they take it skeptically and cautiously. They are not so easy with an stranger. Usually they talk slowly and steadily. They are very patient with the situations and so they can do well as soldiers and government employees. They are not so romantic and do not show much joy or excitement but they are very reliable and trustable person in financial matters. Their main drawback is that they want to live on mere logic and don’t want to believe what they cannot understand.
They like to work and very much fond of rules and discipline. They are honest and modest in nature and don’t like messy environment. Always they are very neat and clean in dress and manner. They can be scholars and fond of religious study, poetry, politics, arts and history.

Very few lines exist on their hands. There you will find nothing except only three main lines. Head line is straight and short. If you find this head line bending towards the moon, then the person has a fanciful mind. Often you will see, when a great businessman gains much wealth, he then collects various beautiful paintings, arts and sceneries and decorate his house with them. The only cause of it is that fanciful mind, the mind leaning towards imagination.

It has also a few more classifications depending on its finger types.

Square hand with short square fingers
This hand is seen almost everywhere. The palm is usually shorter than the fingers. You will find the real materialistic persons in this hand type who have no foresight, no idealism and very skeptical. They never believe anything until they see it themselves.

In this hand, no other lines are seen except life line, head line and heart line. If any other line exists, it is vague too. This type of people never want to believe beyond their own intellectual range. They avoid all types of spiritualism and never believe in god or praise him. This type of people love to save bit by bit to become a rich man. This is the god to them. This savings they also do, not with any talent but with only their will power.

Square hand with long square fingers
This hand represents more advanced mentality. In this type of hand, if there is a long head line, then he can be a scientist, doctor, surgeon, lawyer or a judge.

Square hand with philosophic fingers
This hand is square shaped but the fingers are long and knuckled. It represents a more advanced mentality than the previous ones. It can be called practical hand from one side and the philosophic hand on the other side.
This type of people are excellent architect, experts in mathematics and engaged in scientific research. For a living, they engage themselves in other professions rather than in business. They don’t love wealth or saving money. They have a deep knowledge in literature and like to write about it.

Square hand with Spatulate fingers
The Spatulate fingers exist in this hand as if they are not connected with each other in any way. The fingers can be bent in any direction.
This type of people have an exploring mind and since the palm is square, so they concentrate on the practical world. Their inventions usually become very handy and useful such as- farm machinery, printing machinery etc. They can successfully implement various types of technical knowledge and other large projects. They act as if ‘impossible’ is a great opponent to them.

If this type of people have a straight and long head line, then their plans become successful always. But if the headline becomes short, then they will be a little bit whimsical and cannot develop their thought fully on their inventions.

Square hand with conic fingers
Square hand with conic fingers is a mix of two categories: practical hand and artist or conic hands. This hand brings more success than the usual conic or artist hands. They have an attention to music and literature in order to gain popularity; this is the effect of conic or artist hand. On the other hand, square hand represents a practical view and steady brain and mind. Therefore, this type of people have a greater possibility to get success where these two fields go together. Usually this hand is seen among writers, musicians etc.

Square hand with mixed fingers
This type of hand is usually seen everywhere. Here the fingers are mostly different from each other. Usually the index finger is long, round shaped and narrow end as if it is a conic finger, the middle finger is cleanly square, the third finger is spatulate i.e. its end is broader from its middle portion and the ring finger is philosophic i.e. this finger has large knuckles, the thumb is flexible or nonflexible. This type of mixed hand possesses various talents and experiences. They can talk with a deep knowledge. The only thing they should be careful of is their lack of a steady target or aim in life.

Elementary hand: the hand of lower class people

This hand is rare now. I found a few hands in our native village that were similar to this type. But unfortunately I didn’t have any means to collect those hand prints. However I will try to collect them in my next time visit and you will find them very interesting.

How to identify an elementary hand?
The elementary hand has some distinct characteristics.

The palm is small and thick as if it could not flourish fully. The palm is hard. This hard palm indicates a brutal attitude like in animals. The person having this type of hand has a very little mental ability. Usually they have only a few lines on their hand like life line, head line and heart line.The head line is very short and doesn’t look good.

It has heavy, short and thick, strong fingers. Nails are small and looks ugly. The thumb is short and thick and doesn’t reach to the base of the index finger. This type of hand indicates that the person will be of brutal character. He won’t have any power to control his instincts and becomes angry suddenly. He will never be brave rather than a coward. He will have no ambition in his life.

You will usually find this type of hand among lower class people like porters, labours, guards, soldiers etc. They have less feelings and their minds are somewhat like machines. They are not highly educated and even they don’t like it too. But of course, they like music and sex!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Before starting: learn the preliminary rules of palmistry practice

  1. Before examining the lines on the hand, you should examine the hand type, its colour, fingers, nails, the style of carrying the hands, and the thumb- their structures and settings. Then examine the places of the stars on the hand- whether they are favourable or unfavourable for that person. Follow this general rule- if the mount of any star is lower and contains cross, black spot or net etc. then that star is unfavourable for that person. If the mount is higher and without any cross, net, dot or other unnecessary lines, then that mount is considered favourable.
  2. Before examining, the hand should be cleaned properly. It should be washed if necessary.
    For determining of exact time and age, a scale and a divider are must to keep ready.
    Hand should always be examined in bright daylight. Then each line and fine lines will be viewable. Hand should not be examined during night or under faint light because it leads to misinterpretations.
  3. First determine the class of hand according to the types of hands whether it is good, fair or worst. It tells how much the person could go in his life.
  4. Examine the hand in a quiet and lonely place if possible. Don’t allow any third person. It could lead you to great troubles for yourself and most often to your visitor also.
  5. Examine both hands (left and right hands) to make a clear prediction. If something bad appears from hand analysis, just give him a hint. Remember, the lines on the hands change with time depending on the path that the person chooses.
  6. If bad effects of stars are seen, suggest appropriate gems, roots or metals as a remedy if possible. Just say only from the view of helping others, not for business of gems and other stuffs.
  7. Don’t say the unkind truth so rudely. If you see that a person has a sign to die at 60 years of age, you should say- you have a great trouble at 60 years of age. Because the lines may change due to his karma i.e. the way how he leads his life.
  8. Never be so greedy to make money. Greed will give you nothing at the end except being an unhappy person and a loser.
  9. All time you should be honest as a palmist. It is good enough if you like meditation. It will give you the intuition power, a great asset for a man with which you could sense the future. Without intuition, the accurate prediction is not possible.
  10. Never tell lies for any cause. It just hampers your goodwill and you will face many troubles in your life.
  11. Learn the diseases and symptoms due to the bad effects of the stars fully before you get on the field. If you don’t learn these preliminary things, your prediction will not be accurate. Learn thoroughly what factors are responsible for the job, career, money and wealth, love etc. before prediction.
  12. Observe the person to learn about him at a first glance. If the person is impatient or restless, then you know that his mars and moon are very bad. Also observe the dresses. If someone uses dirty or filthy clothes, know that his venus is acting badly etc.
  13. If a hand does not contain any sun line, you will surely know that he cannot prosper in life. He won’t have name and fame and progress in work. So you must suggest him to change his view and make a target for success. I have seen that it works and gradually a sun line appears although it takes a few years of gradual change.
  14. Last of all, learn and practice this knowledge daily at least on one person with an enthusiasm. In fact this is a field of knowledge that requires intense research and continuous learning. Wish you find yourself a good future through this self analysis and help others too!

What is palmistry?

Palmistry is the research based knowledge on hand and its different characteristics. It has been practiced for thousands of years in our ancient civilizations. By this knowledge, we can understand ourselves, we can analyze ourselves. Through this analysis we can perceive, for what purpose we have come here. Thus we won’t make ourselves confused and misguided. If anyone studies palmistry and applies the knowledge to his practical world patiently, then he can surely find a path to establish himself on a greater pillar of success.

Although by this knowledge, we know what are good and bad sides of us, what is coming next and what are the cautions or warnings that we should be aware of, we hardly listen to these warnings. We avoid or neglect them thinking them as a fancy talk. But research of thousands of years on this great subject is not a fancy thing and you should pay an attention to what it says about the upcoming situations. If it says that there is a danger coming next, then we must take some steps to avoid that bad situation. Shall we neglect the warning? No, we will take this warning as a help because the truth lies in it. We must learn it, teach it to others and make extensive research on it. We should also learn it in order to fight against the laws that govern us or make our fate inevitable. This is a knowledge that should be learnt with a view to make this life and this world more better.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Three Palmistry tips: Make amazing predictions

If you see any rectangle or cross on Jupiter mount in one’s hand (see the picture), tell him that he will marry someone from a rich or noble family and he will get money!

If you see a Solomon ring on Jupiter mount, tell him that he is wise, will get a beautiful wife and will have a great son who will be renowned in the society.

If you see that a fate line starts upward from the life line, you can surely predict that he will go against his parents’ will (usually in love marriage) and make a good fortune.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Zodiac signs and Governing stars

Zodiac is regarded as the base of Astrology. There are 12 signs of zodiac. Each zodiac sign is governed by a particular star, called governing star. This governing star is thought to be responsible for bestowing favourable and unfavourable conditions on each person.

Find out your zodiac sign and governing star based on your birth date.

Figure: Zodiac signs and Governing Stars

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Know why you should know yourself

From the previous post on palmistry: a full analysis of mounts, we have dug out a full analysis of mounts on the hand of the picture given here. Now the questions are:

  • Which path should he take for more success and less obstacles in his life?

He should choose such a field where he feels comfortable and that conforms to his character. His character shows that he is a simple peace loving person, romantic, honest and modest, having an artistic mind, thinker and idealistic. If he chooses a profession that is against his character- that is full of noises and turmoils, tensions and needs to be crazy enough to control the situation, even needs to be cruel or take illegal means to perform a task, you know that is clearly against his character. He surely cannot continue that profession for a long time- I have seen many people of this case in my life. So choose carefully your workplace according to your character, unless you will surely be unhappy like thousands of others, because they don’t know themselves.

Now about this person, what can he be? He can be a great social or religious leader, artist, speaker, scientist, filmmaker, writer, professor, teacher, researcher, poet, or simply a businessman of goods related to liquids. That is where the working environment is quiet and peaceful or nature related and free, he will fit there. In any branch of art, he will be successful. Although he has a nature to leadership, it will involve so much nasty things, he won’t like it later and surely resign from such role. Everything depends on his tendency and character. This is true for you too. The following questions, I will write on them in the coming posts. Thanks.

  • What should he be aware of for his health?
  • How could he improve his relationship with family, friends and relatives?
  • How could he find peace and happiness in his life?

Oh, one thing to mention that, although the sun will surely bring him success in those paths, but it will be a long journey. Venus is against him, he will need to continue struggling throughout the whole life. In each step, he will suffer, more or less, but if he chooses the suggested paths, I think he can endure those sufferings for a better chance next time. He has a persistent look for future, that’s why he won’t leave hope and that will make him successful.

In fact we can do almost nothing against the nonfavourable mounts on hand. What we can do is avoiding those environements that will make their bad effects stronger. In this case,

  • This person should avoid any kind of violence, riots, turmoil around him because if he engages himself in it, it will be a chance to have bad effects of mars, the unfavourable mount for him and that means injury, even death or loss of property.
  • Also he has to be careful about traveling in water. That may bring dangers to him.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

palmistry: a full analysis of mounts

We have known from earlier posts about the mounts on the hands, when the mount becomes favourable and helpful for us, and when they become unfavourable and bring sufferings; now we can analyze the mounts altogether and perform a combined preliminary assessment about our nature, career path, relationship status, health and warnings. Consider the following hand in the picture for an example.
From the picture we can analyze the mounts and put it in the assessment table below. One important thing you will notice that I included rectangles because if they exist on any mount, they prevent the bad effects of that mount and make the mount favourable for us.

Now we can summarise the effects of these mounts as in the following:
Money and wealth:
Cross and rectangle in both hands on Jupiter mount, he will marry someone from a higher status and get some money.
Good Jupiter mount will make him earning a lot in your life.
Good Saturn can make him get money suddenly.
Bad secondary mars, he will lose his land properties or won’t have any land properties.
Work, profession and life:
Good Jupiter mount makes Leadership favourable for him. Any work that involves leadership, like MP, chairman, political leaders, religious leaders, constructive work, artists, lawyer or speaker etc. is favourable for him. He won’t feel comfortable under other’s influence and so working independently will be suitable for him.
Good sun is favourable for him to be a writer, a leader, a great speaker etc. Also he will have good reputation in arts and acting. He will win people’s mind in a very excellent way, that most other people can’t do.
Good mercury gives deep thinking power. Medical science, law, writing, professor, teacher or any branch of intelligence or knowledge etc. will be very easy to learn for him. He will be very creative and so he should try the creative path. His judgement will give him a power to be a good judge, magistrate etc. If he leans toward science or chemistry, that will also be favourable for him. He may be a lower rank employee, but he will have a good reputation for his intelligence and work.
Good moon will make him suitable for writer, artist, poet, playwright, researcher. Also he is very good at business too! He will make much profit in liquid business. Even he can earn money from abroad. Any kind of liquid business, business of fish will make him to prosper in life. Even he can make money by winning the favour of people. As his moon is good, you know he will have so many ups and downs. He should have patience in every step.
Saturn mount is not so good but, it will make his tendency leaning to mysticism, supernatural phenomena, magic, mantra etc. and he will be successful! He can be a preacher and leave his family life. Even if he does that, he will be the great one!
Bad venus mount, he will never be happy in life. He will spend his whole life struggling. Never have time to enjoy. The whole world seems to be hard, difficult and troublesome for him. Passing the days in such a way, one day he will realize that he has grown old- time for love and romance is gone.
Bad primary mars, he will be obstructed in every step of his life. If he is not careful, his enemies may harm him all time. In each step of his life, he will get obstacles, barriers in his works and improvement, trouble in good works, paid lately etc. Injury, accidents or even death may happen to him. He should be careful about any turmoil or riots etc. around him. He may be a victim of those happenings and may lose some of his limbs.
Bad secondary mars, he may be engaged in riots and other destructive activities. Of course it is possible to appear omens and sufferings in his life.
Bad plain of mars, he may be unsuccessful in work, may have loss in business, etc. In each step of his life he will suffer terribly.
Good Jupiter imparts piousness and honesty in him. He is quiet and peace lover, wise and thinker.
Good sun makes him generous and wide minded. He is a fan of art and beauty.
He can’t tolerate cheating and lies. He will rather die than getting favours of others.
Good mercury makes him look like an easy going person, but in the deep, he has other thoughts which are deep and tangled, that other people can’t realize.
For a great moon mount, he will be a fantasy lover, idealistic, emotional, traveler and romantic. He loves to live in fantasy but idealistic. He loves to talk exaggeratedly and very much favourite to girls. He is a fan of beauty. He loves flowers, birds, music, arts, natural scenery and night.
He is luxurious in nature, all time he spends much in clothing, all time he wants a change in everything! He is somewhat moody and introvert.
Good Saturn makes his character like to live simply and austeritic life. He is very strict about righteousness. He wants to restrict the evil and for this, if time or money has to be spent, no matter he won’t stand back. For this righteousness, he won’t hesitate to leave his family and friends- In this case, he is very strict. Where he sees some immoral activities, he becomes hot and fight against that for life.
Bad venus mount may cause visiting prostitutes, illegal path to choose, sexual weakness or bad name. Dot in venus mount, he will have bad name and deceived by girls. All time he will have a mode of annoyance.
As the sun mount is good, he can keep a good relationship with others. He can easily make others friendly. He will win people’s mind in a very excellent way, which most other people can’t do.
As venus is bad, he will not get a good relationship with his relatives. If he trusts his friends and relatives very much, it is possible that he will be deceived.
Good sun. he will be favourite to many people and his name and fame will spread around. He will be a winner in his life. A line from mercury mount strays into sun mount, that means this person will get a great reputation by his intelligence and works.
As venus is bad, he may have sexual diseases, diseases of bladder, etc.
Primary mars is bad, he will have problems related to stomach, liver, sexual diseases, addiction to drugs or smoking etc. Also sometimes he may suffer from edema, madness as the moon doesn’t favour him always.

This is a primary assessment of a man’s hand from which we only know his tendencies, capabilities, his features of life. We have to dig far more into the lines to know more accurate results about his past, present and future of health, relationship, money and wealth etc. Sounds easy?! Wait and see what is coming next for you.
Oh yes, I forget to write that you can send me your handprints if you are interested and I will be happy to help you finding a good career, relationship and other stuffs in your life. You may hesitate if I charge any amount! Don't be afraid. I am a mechanical engineer not a palmist in profession. I simply do it for my own interest. Thanks.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Plain of mars: why life is so miserable

Now we will know about the plain of mars. It is responsible for selfishness, vileness, vile mind, expert in math, possessing a property, house or land, secrecy, grey colour, earthly state and progress, realization and prosperity.

Usually this field is lower than other mounts. It never gets so higher. But if it is wide and well-built, no cross or black dot in it except the main lines then it is auspicious for that person. He may get honour in various ways. If this field favours a person, then he can make progress in many ways in his business and he spends his life happily till to the end. Even he has a possibility to be a favourite of the king, president or prime minister of a country. He can get a higher government position and can earn fairly enough money! He has a possibility to have many cars, own home, a vast property etc. He is very patient and industrious. But often he looks for the tasks that involve less work, more money.

Now if this field of plain of mars contains dot, too many crosses, or nets, then the mount becomes unfavourable. It stands for unsuccess in works, loss in business, not having house or being ruined, and even he can be blamed among people. In every step, his life loses its peace and steadiness, that’s horrific indeed.

know the key to have vast property

After the mount of primary mars, now we will know about the secondary mars and its mount.

It acts for being courageous, mighty and having power, physical strength, works in war and police department and success, works in detective branch and success, profits in land related matters, reddish colour, bleeding, uproar and enjoy, factory related matters, extreme patience, not standing back in danger, great robber or gangster.

This field represents a good sign if it is higher, no cross or dot in it, then the person shows radiance of power and energy. Police, army, mail, detective branch, navy or air force wherever he goes he will be successful and earns name and fame from his work and contribution in these departments. This person shows creativity in many trends and works hard.

Mars represents immovable properties like fields, lands, home etc. If this mount is favourable then the person owns these properties. Agriculture, fisheries, farming, vegetables etc. are the things that are good for this person to get in business. If he even start his business with only a few dollars, he can grow his business from little to great one in these fields. If the great rectangle remains beside this mount in one’s hand, then it is far better. He prefers to work rather than to imagine. He may tend to drink liquor or addict to drug. He doesn’t like to live without work at all. He becomes favourite to people for his heroic deed and courage. If he enters into the business of foods, it is also good for him.

But if this field is lower, narrow and most of all crisscrossed and netted or dotted, then it presents a very bad sign. He cannot possess house, fields or these types of properties, and even more, if he owns anything of these, that will also be ruined by accidents or riots and turmoil. Sudden accident may happen. Bad days may come to this person and he may suffer terribly. Also diseases and troubles related to stomach may happen to them. Every one should be careful about the bad sides of this mount.

The mount of primary mars: know why you are so troubled

Earlier we have known why one tends to be creative or write something. Because they are driven with the affects of moon. Now we will know why we are obstructed often in our works. This is about the mount of primary mars.

The mount of primary mars gives oneself a tendency to cheating, gambling, bating, and earnings from dishonest means, rude nature, ill-tempered, excessive tendency for having sex and danger, moody, blackish colour, covetous and earnings from that way, fighting and extraordinary audacity.

If this mount is high, no cross lies in it, well built, no net or dot lies here, then of course it creates a great working force within that person. It gives ability to organize, leadership, having people’s support and success in police or detective branches. Sometimes they tend to be boastful and drug or liquor addicted. In spite of these, they possess a great potential for struggling in life. They don’t fear in any danger or difficulty. They don’t like to dream or go in a creative path, they don’t go that way.

They have less imagination power, expert in manual and applied works. Also they may be great terrorist, gangster, mafia, hunter etc. depending on other mounts and lines. They don’t feel fear or horror. They will agree to work and give labour to represent themselves as a great one before people. They may earn from lottery and gambling. Depending on other mounts. This is a fortune for them if they engage themselves in arms dealing (although I discourage them to do so for the last scene). They may be harsh and rude. If they become angry suddenly again calm themselves quickly. Their sex power and sex desire are apparently more than usual. Brutality prevails in them.

However if this mount consists of net and crosses or dots, then it is a very bad sign. Their career and life are obstructed in every step. Potential enemies can do great harm to them. In each step of their lives, they will get obstacles, troubles in jobs and works, trouble in getting the desired etc. Accidents, injury etc. are possible for them and it can be fatal as death. If this mount is bad, then troubles relating to stomach and liver, sexual diseases, loss of limbs or organs etc. may be possible.

Probably you will wonder whether there is a cure or remedy for these omens or not. You know, not everything can be bypassed. But if you see those signs in your life, if you change your habit and character and take preventive steps as you know what may happen, logically and really you can avoid most of the troubles and sufferings. I will discuss about it later.

The influence of Moon

Do you want to know with which quality a man become writer?

The answer lies here in the mount of moon. It acts for imagination, poetry, unsteady and impatient mind, liquid and girl related matters, business of liquid stuffs, ghee, oil or other liquid stuffs, round or liquid body, oedema, madness or brain inactivity, traveling on water, kind hearted, sweet words, fond of night and increased sex appeal at night etc.

If this mount is high and lofty, wide and spacious and without any cross then the mount is favourable indeed. It will make you as a writer, poet, an idealistic, emotional person, traveling and romantic. Famous artists, writers, poets, script writers, researchers have this type of mounts.

They are very romantic and like to talk with exaggeration and of course very much liked by women. They are the fan of beauty, flower, birds, music, arts, nature and night.

They are luxurious, all time spending money in dresses and want a change in everything. They want enjoyment, not abandoning the luxury. They are creative and make money by introducing a new item in market. They are usually sentimental and self-centered.

Their business mind is birth-gifted and expert in business. They make a good profit in business related to liquids. They even earn from foreign countries. They love to travel. They have many ups and downs in their lives. But they don’t lose their hope. They are very patient. They earn money by working for people.

If this mount is crisscrossed and netted, it becomes very worse for that person. He will be of unsteady mind, sometimes become crazy like a mad. If this mount is bad, be careful from water.

Next comes the mount of primary mars. There we will know why we are obstructed in every step of our life.

The venus mount: Key to happiness

Earlier I wrote on Jupiter mount.

Now let us know about the venus mount.
The venus mount acts for love, kindness, affection and other feelings, beauty, art, painting and sculpture, dance and acting, composing and performing music, writing poetry, opposite sexual matters, sex organs, sex appeal, naturalist, sexual diseases, sex with different people, diseases of kidney, gallbladder, or sex organs, fond of perfumes and prosperity in the age business of perfumes.

If the mount of venus is wide and high, without any cross, net or dot, the person will be very happy and spend his life merrily. He won’t know about the difficult side of life. He will spend his life in a noble way. He will have a good taste in beauty and arts. He will acquire vast knowledge in arts, literature, poetry, paintings, dance, music, acting and probably he will make a success in any way of these. Jobs, business etc. are also favourable for him.

The good mount of venus will give him a good result in love and affairs. He will get extensive helps and love from the persons of opposite sex and spend and an enjoying life. Of course it is possible for him to have intimate relationship with more than one person. The source of sexual power is within this mount.

However if this mount includes tangled lines, crosses, dots or nets (Which I have seen in most cases), that is a very bad sign for a person’s life. It is possible for such person with those bad signs, to visit prostitutes, to have sexual weakness, bad name etc. in his life.
If this mount consists of dots, then the person will be deceived by women (or opposite sex). He won’t be able to enjoy the life, spending the whole life struggling. It seems to him that the world is full of woes and sufferings. Thus one day he will realize that he has grown older- the time of love and romance has gone.

His mind and attitude won’t be conforming to his friends and relatives. All time he bears a displeasure in his mind. If he trusts his relatives and friends too much, then it is possible that he will be deceived. Also, he may suffer from sexual and urinary diseases.
The next post will be on the mount of moon, the naturalist.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The influence of Jupiter

After the blog on the influences of saturn mount.

Jupiter gives Knowledge, Science, Success in a decent way, idea, high-ambition, works for people, social work, high posts in a city or town (mayor or chairman), progress and development in social and religious work, salvation from all dangers, rheumatism or arthritis, hairy body.

If the Jupiter mount is high, spacious and clean without any irrelevant line, then it is said to be good and favourable. If the mount contains cross or rectangle, He/She will be married to a rich family from which He will get money.

If this mount is good, then you are a born leader. Great leaders of the country, MP, etc. have this kind of good Jupiter mount. But of course- you must have a long head line for a full effect of this good sign. Your personality is such that you cannot do anything under the influence of others. You are very pious and honest. You are a peace lover and generous. You are wise and thoughtful person. In your life, you will earn a lot of money.

If this mount becomes high and large in the hands of a girl, then she will be modest and pious. But she is a little bit proud of herself.

If the mount of Jupiter is lower and narrow, then it just imposes opposite effects. The person will be narrow minded and suspicious. His mind tends to earn in illegal ways. He will have many bad friends. That will bring many sufferings to him. Even this type of mount becomes fatal sometimes- the person will face to death in illegal ways. Everyone should be careful to choose his path concerning his unfavourable mounts.

The next blog will be on the effects of venus mount, the very effective mount for most of us in relations between man and woman, love and affection. Wait for it in the next day.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Palmistry: The influence of Saturn mount

Earlier, I have described about the characteristics of the sun mount. Here we will know about the saturn mount and its characteristics.

Saturn is responsible for mental calmness, religious attitude, composed, harsh talk, slender body, ascetic mode, painstaking, mysticism, magic, hypnotism, getting money from gambling or lottery, airy object or kinder object, profit from business of animals and birds etc.

If the mount of Saturn is spacious and lofty, then it is a very good sign. The mount should be neat and clean. However lofty Saturn mount is very rare. In that case, you become lucky, wise, rich and a chance to get money unexpectedly. You have a very keen judgement, endurablity and enthusiastic for a deep knowledge. You can perceive everything very deeply. You will have a religious mind- very much interested to ascetic life.

If this mount is really good and favourable, with a good fate line as shown in the picture- then you may get a vast property- even you can gain honour and dignity like an emperor. But you will like to live simply, not in luxury and that will be good for you. Various kinds of mysterious arts, mystic arts, magic, mantra, supernatural power etc. are gifted to you naturally and Your life will be prosperous with it.

If this mount is real good, then you may be a great ascetic or meditator and preacher of religion. You may choose spiritual life. Righteousness will be your character. For it, you will not hesitate to leave your family and friends. You will be solely against any kind of injustice. You will fight for it even for a whole life.

If Saturn mount is narrow, crisscrossed and lower, then you will be frivolous in your speech and act. You won’t understand anything deeply. Your character won’t be strong and will tend to follow wrong path. Illegal business and illegal works will mix up with your character. You won’t even try to return to the right path. You will suffer terribly till to the end. You will be good at being gangster, pickpocket, blackmarketter or smuggler- but at last you will end up your life in this way without any recognition.
Next comes the blog on the Jupiter mount.

The mount of apolo

Earlier, I have described the effects of the mercury mount.

Apolo or the Sun is responsible for success, reputation, effort, perseverance, money, connection to high society, political progress, MP, PM posts, art, painting, beauty, travel, goodwill, government job or any job, name and fame in movies or other works etc.

Look at the mount of the sun in the picture. It is clear without any cross or black dot or island. So the sun is in favour of you. Moreover it shows a deep sun line descending from the mount of the sun. It brings very good results in your life.

If this mount is lofty and spacious, the sun line is clearly visible and deep, then it gives a very good fruit. According to Chiero, without sunline, one’s life is dark. If there is a good sunline, then you will be popular and your name and fame will spread all around. You will achieve a great fame and success in your life in whichever way you take. You may be famous leader, popular writer or widely renowned lecturer.
But when this mount is lower, the sun becomes unfavourable. Even unnecessary crosses will make your mind turbulent and your goodwill will be hampered. The unnecessary lines also are not a good sign, because it will make you to try a lot of things simultaneously and that means possibly you won’t be successful in any of this things. Only one sun line is good. If sun line is not present, in that case, you will be narrow minded, you will suffer in every way of your life, you will face obstacles in every step of your progress and you will be jealous. You will never be able to get name and fame in your life. Even if you get an opportunity, you will spoil it and suffer terribly.
The next blog will be on the characteristics of saturn mount.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Palmistry: the mount of Mercury

Palmistry analyzes your good and bad signs and tells you in which way you should go so that it will be suitable, comfortable and less difficulties will be faced for success. It simply helps people to find a better way to lead their lives.

Realistic persons say that- work hard, you will get success. Yes, of course, if you work hard, more or less you will be successful in achieving your goals. But why did not you take a birth in a rich family so that you won’t have to struggle so badly? Why one is born in a rich family? Why the other is born in a poor family? Why one is short? Why one is long? Why one is born as a girl? Why not a boy? These simple questions cannot be answered by a realistic person. There is only a single answer to those questions- fate! Yes. You cannot change your fate on your birth, but you can change your life here. Read this.

In the previous post ‘palmistry: the mounts on the hand’, I explained how the mounts on the hand become favourable or unfavourable.

Now you should know effects, the tendencies that the mounts (in fact the stars) impart on one’s life and character. I am describing their effects in one’s life one by one. Also, you must consider the effects of all mounts, not a specific mount before concluding into a decision. Later I will provide my work on- how to determine combinedly in which way you have a good tendency and better chance for success, which are restricted for you etc. in a chart. Please keep going.

The influence of Mercury
The mount of mercury being spacious and wide is a very good sign. If a mercury line exists along with it, that is also a good sign. If this mount is neat and clean without any cross or black dot, then it means that your mercury mount is favourable. The good mercury will bring within you an interest in business, science, math, medical science, astrology, finance, law and other branches of knowledge. You will have intelligence, wit, childish body, childish but hypocrite nature.

Deep thinking power: Mercury is the star that brings extraordinary thinking power and new ideas. The more this mount becomes lofty and spacious, the more you will have these qualities. Also the longer the mercury line, the more will be these qualities. You will have good humour. You will have a good tendency to medical science, law, writing, lecturer, teaching, intelligence and any other branch of knowledge.

Power of Judgement: The loftiness and lengthy mercury line always inspire the person to the works of intelligence and judgement. Thus having a good judgement, he can earn goodwill by being a good judge, magistrate or this type of role.

Creativity: If he walks on the fields of chemistry, science etc. it is possible for him to be successful through new ideas and discoveries. Even if he works as a typist or other normal profession, then he will have a reputation through his proven intelligence and creativity.
When the mercury mount becomes unfavourable, it appears crisscrossed and black dotted and not so spacious. It is a bad sign. It brings a greater tendency for gambling and bating. Your mind will bend towards the indecent ways for earnings. But at last you will suffer for this.

If this mount is lower, then you will have a lack of intelligence. You just lead an ordinary life. Your mind never tends to think deep thoughts. Even you become arrogant and boastful and quarrelsome.

If this mount consists of a black dot, it will be a sign for you to be deceived by a lady (a gentleman if you are a lady).

And sometimes there are small vertical lines on the mount of mercury, just as shown in the picture, but they are a little far from marriage line. These lines indicate that the person is meritorious and can grasp a new idea very easily, though he has a flickering nature.
Reveal interesting secrets on your hand:  the influence of apolo(or the sun).

Monday, January 5, 2009

Palmistry :the mounts on the hand

In palmistry, initially mounts are considered for analysis. It shows what is the condition of the person. Whether he is in favourable condition or unfavourable condition.

When mounts become favourable, the matters which are affected by those mounts become favourable and easy to him. But when some of them are unfavourable, you will see, the matters relating to those unfavourable mounts get difficult and unsuccessful. That's why you should know which mount is in your favour and which mount is against you. There are nine mounts on our hands. They are:

  1. Mount of Venus

  2. Mount of primary Mars

  3. Mount of Jupiter

  4. Mount of Saturn

  5. Mount of Sun/Appolo

  6. Mount of Mercury

  7. Mount of secondary Mars

  8. Mount of Moon

  9. Plain of Mars

    These nine mounts represent nine stars and their effects on the person. They may be favourable or unfavourable.

How do we know which mount is favourable and which is unfavourable?
Generally a mount is favourable when it appears lofty (not plain or down), well-built and doesn’t consist of any cross or other haphazardly crisscrossed lines.

If it consists of crosses, black dots, nets or other crisscrossed lines and appears plain or down then generally we say that the mount is unfavourable. I have never seen such case, where all the nine mounts are unfavourable. See the signs that make the mounts unfavourable. 1. island sign, 2. black dot, 3. cross, 4. net. These signs make the mounts most unfavourable, resulting bad effects on your life.

Now analyze every mount very carefully and determine whether it is favourable or unfavourable. They affect combinedly on your life. So it is important which mount (that corresponds to that particular star) is unfavourable and you should be careful about that unfavourable effect that may come across your life.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Palmistry: Thumb analysis

Palmistry is like a medical science. You learn the symptoms, you will know what they mean. But you cannot say a final word until you analyze all the mounts, lines and special features on the palms. As I have been practicing it more than 5 years, I have analyzed hundreds of hands just with enthusiasm. Now when I went to look for something new in the web, everyone said, it’s free to know your future, come to us. When I got into those sites, they asked a fee! I am new in blogging and so I don’t know where to look at the blogs who won’t want a fee! Although I found a blog but it doesn’t say too much about learning or knowing something about palmistry, in fact I was looking for the articles helpful for advanced palmistry research. I am looking forward to hearing from you if you find any. Also I am offering you some clues from the core of palmistry. I will be very delighted if you try it right now.

Know the man from his thumb


A thumb is a key to analyze a man. If it is flexible like in the picture, then know that he is also flexible in his character. In the picture I have tried to figure out a flexible thumb, but I am not sure whether it is readable or not. Well, the man with this type of thumb is really friendly. He will bend himself easily if forced. He doesn’t want to create a scene. He fears to engage himself in any unnatural and indecent matter.
His mind is generous, view is wide. He spends much beyond necessity. Many people make him a victim of indecent task, because he doesn’t quarrel and he never forbids to anything. He promises to solve many problems!
He doesn’t care about the traditional and current trends. He is so open minded that he always seeks some excuses to support himself or others.
He can adopt himself quickly with persons and situations. For his quick adoptability, wherever he goes, he finds that place comfortable.

If the thumb is stiff and not bent behind when the palm is normally expanded, that means the man is also stiff in his character. He talks less, careful, secretive and conservative.
He has strong will power and he accomplishes all the task through this powerful tool. He keeps himself composed as far as possible, tries to control himself in stiff hands.

Length of the parts
A thumb consists of two parts. Upper part and lower part. Compare these two parts. If the upper part is long and well-built, his intellectual mind will be of higher class. If it is short and narrow, then you be sure that his intellectuality is of lower class, that is he cannot do any creative thinking! The more this part becomes shorter, the more he is overwhelmed by his anger or other emotions.

These are the most useful things you can find by analyzing thumbs. I found it absolutely accurate while predicting their behaviour and character. Check it yourself!

Keyboard not functioning

The keyboard problem I faced yesterday was weird. I was reported that keyboard was not functioning anymore. I asked them to check the connection of keyboard and unplug and plug again the keyboard to the CPU if necessary. But after a few minutes, they called me again, that they were still having the problem.

Then I went there and saw that the keyboard was recognized and functioning till to the log on screen. Even password could be given, but whenever the desktop screen appeared, keyboard didn’t respond anymore. I couldn’t find any visible reason of not functioning the keyboard. I was baffled and then used system restore and it functioned perfectly. But still I don’t know the reason of such weird behaviour.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Meditation: Solving the weird problems

One day, while I was going to college, I found a black dog lying onto the path. I was like a teenage at that time, so I took a stick and drove the dog away by beating it. It just simply ran away. I didn’t think the outcome of this simply-make-me-happy deed.

The next day I found the dog at the same place on the road, resting and it made a crazy barking when it saw me. I made a threat with a stick. But it continues to bark at me. I somehow managed to make a path to my college. Gradually it became a pain for me, as the dog used to start barking as soon as it had seen me. Even it dared to bite me. Could you imagine how its rage grew to its highest level, when it saw me as the most wretched enemy in the earth? I could not take another path, since it was the shortcut to my college. Now how will you deal with such a matter when a dog starts barking as soon as it sees you?

It was really awful situation, mostly embarrassing, why would a dog bark at you, why not others?

I could not tackle the matter, unless I had this simple but powerful magic- meditation.
What did I do? I did the easiest but very effective task, mind control technique. Now you can ask me- how? If I describe it here, you won’t believe it. So at first take a look on- meditation: the gateway to success
It didn’t work for 7 days, but I continued to meditate. However, it didn’t work for the 10th day too. In the 13th day, the dog barked less than before and as the meditation continued, the barking gradually faded away. It was amazing to me. This is the only easiest way to solve any relational problems, I can promise.

The skeptic people will say, it is the matter of time. By the course of time, everything gets ok. But I can’t wait for a long time to solve it because the condition was gradually getting worse. Even it happens in some of our relations. I have solved one broken relations to a good one with this meditation.

What do you say? Please feel free to make a comment.

Meditation and the little puppy

Meditation of loving kindness can attract so many people towards you. If you practice it, you will become favourite to all of your acquaintance. While I was a monk, I discovered this meditation has an appeal to animals too.

I was a monk a few years ago. Once I was meditating among a few monks. It was dark at night, we were quiet and concentrated on our meditation. I first concentrated on my breathing, then I turned onto the meditation of loving kindness. I imagined- a wave of loving-kindness was originated inside me and gradually spread around the world. It was just after some time, I felt a sense that a little puppy was crawling outside the mosquito-net around us. My mind was full of peace and emanating the waves of loving-kindness. I felt that the puppy moved around the mosquito net and finally crawled beside me. It stayed there until I got up from meditation. I patted on its wool-like back as it seemed to have found a warm place at last. When we all broke up our meditation, we left the place. I didn’t notice any puppy around that place before or after that.

The fact I thought that there were around 12 monks meditating. It took a round around the large mosquito net and finally lay beside me. Why me? I still feel really amazed and thrilled about this fact.

Be careful in meditation

Meditation can make you mad! Don’t believe me? When you meditate in a room alone in the dark and when your concentration is super, you will see various visions like zombies, horror scenes, like the army of darkness coming to you! Of course many other visions like pleasant scenes, landscape etc. can also be seen. Here is one such type of demonstration.

At that time, I was probably 15 years of age. Our neighbours went in a vacation and I had to stay at their home alone at night. I slept well at that night. In the early morning, around 4 a.m., I got up and sat upright on the bed for meditation. When I concentrated on my breathing, I saw a terrible vision. I saw that there was a bonfire burning amidst the dark night. Everything was black except the glaring red flames. Suddenly a face appeared from the other side of the fire. I couldn’t see the body of it, but it appeared just with its head and face and nothing else. I was so frightened that I couldn’t resist myself saying it in my mind, ‘I don’t fear, I don’t fear’ and eventually I discovered that I was shouting at it! Even at that time my eyes were closed, but the frightening head wouldn’t disappear. At last, I opened my eyes, quickly got up from meditation and slipped back into the blanket till morning. After that, I ended my meditation practice although I started it again a few years later.

Lots of people whose mental strength are not strong enough, get terrified with the visions they see in deep meditation. The only way to overcome it is, to convince yourself that it’s a vision. To convince yourself repeat the word ‘vision’ or other appropriate terms.

Which religion to choose? What Buddhism says?

In these days, we should not follow a religion through birth or mere belief. Religion is the way to live and it should not be taken without logical analysis. The Buddha preached his disciples to follow the ways of discrimination and research. He never supported to take or accept anything by mere belief or trust. This should also be the theory in our practical life. I find the following dialogue between the Buddha and Kalamas of Kesaputta very interesting.

Once the Kalamas of Kesaputta asked the Buddha: “Sir, when certain religious leaders come to our village; each of them proclaims and expounds their own view and abuses that of others. They revile others’ view, depreciate it and cripple it. When we listen to them, we have doubt as to which of them is speaking the truth and which speaks falsehood.”

Then the master spoke thus:
“Yes, Kalamas, right it is to doubt what is doubtful and not clear.
Be not misled by tradition, hearsay or mere logic or inference, or after reflection on and approval of some theory, or out of respect for a religious person. But when you know for yourselves: These things are unprofitable, blameworthy, are censured by wise; these things when performed and undertaken, conduce to loss and sorrow-then indeed reject them.
Now what do you think? When greed, ill will and delusion arise within a man, do they arise for his profit or loss?”
“To his loss, sir.”

“Now, does not this man, being influenced by greed, ill will and delusion, commit evil and mislead another to his loss and sorrow for a long time?”
“He does, sir.”

“Well then, Kalamas, what do you think? Are these things profitable or unprofitable?”
“Unprofitable, sir.”

“Are they blameworthy or not?”
“Blameworthy, sir.”

“Are they censured by the intelligent or not?”
“They are censured, sir.”

“If performed and undertaken, do they conduce to loss and sorrow or not?”
“They conduce to loss and sorrow, sir.”

“So then, Kalamas, as to my words to you just now: Be not misled, but when you know for yourselves: These things are unprofitable, conduce to loss and sorrow-then indeed reject them, such was my reason for uttering them.
Kalamas, be not misled by tradition, hearsay or mere logic or inference, or after reflection on and approval of some theory, or out of respect for a religious person. But when you know for yourselves: These things are profitable, blameless, praised by the wise; these things when performed and undertaken, conduce to profit and happiness-then follow them and abide therein.
Now what do you think, Kalamas? When freedom from greed, ill will and delusion arises in a man, does it arise to his profit or loss?”
“To his profit, sir.”

“Does not this man, not influenced by greed, ill will and delusion, refrain from evil and lead another into happiness?”
“He does, sir.”

“Well then, Kalamas, what do you think? Are these things profitable or unprofitable?”
“Profitable, sir.”

“Are they censured or praised by the wise?”
“They are praised, sir.”

“When performed and undertaken, do they conduce to happiness or not?”
“They conduce to happiness, sir.”

“So then Kalamas, as to my words to you just now: be not misled by tradition, hearsay or mere logic or inference, or after reflection on and approval of some theory, or out of respect for a religious person. But when you know for yourselves: These things are profitable, blameless, praised by the wise; these things when performed and undertaken, conduce to profit and happiness-then follow them and abide therein, such was my reason for saying them.”

The reader will note that this discourse, Kalama Sutta, discourages dogmatism and blind faith with a vigorous call for free investigation. Nevertheless he should not hastily conclude that the Buddha was, “a pragmatic empiricist who dismisses all doctrines and faith, and whose Dhamma is simply a freethinker’s kit to truth which invites each one to accept and respect whatever he likes.” He should read with careful attention the last section of the dialogue in which the Buddha emphasizes the importance of the three root causes of all evil: greed, ill will and delusion, and their opposites, the root causes of all good: dispassion, good will and wisdom. Thus discourse to the Kalamas offers an acid test for gaining confidence in the Dhamma as a viable doctrine of deliverance.

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