Saturday, February 6, 2010

Talented persons and their signs on hand

The best hand types are square hand, philosophic hand, conic hand and spatulate hand. They can be successful if their lines permit. Now let's see what are the signs of talented persons:

1. Sun line: It is the first and the best sign to be looked for to search for a talented person. According to Palmistry, a person cannot be talented without a sun line in his hand. Read more.

2.Sun line, Girdle of Venus and a solomon Ring: These three signs are a good indication of a talented person. Read more.

3. Sun line, Girdle of Venus and Marshal line: Indicates a long life. Read more.

4. Good Sun line, Head line, Fate line and Life line: Lucky person. Read more.

5. Sun line, Head line and Rectangle on Jupiter mount: Sign of a talented and famous person. Read more.

6. Good sun line, head line, uncut and unbroken fate line from mount of moon: A talented and popular person. Read more.

7. Good sun line with a girdle of venus on a girl's hand: A popular artist. Read more.

8. Some great and very favorable signs on hand. See here.

9. Knowledge line: A sign of a wise man. Read more.

The knowledge line: A wise man

If a line descends downward from the joint of upper and lower part of thumb as shown in the figure, to the base of the thumb, then it is called the line of knowledge. It is a very favorable sign indeed. It indicates that the person possess a deep knowledge. He will acquire knowledge in various ways and become famous in his life. If it is cut by other lines, then it indicates obstacles in gathering knowledge.

Best favorable signs on hand

The best signs on hand are
1. island sign on the thumb,
2. Marshal line,
3. Good Fate line,
4. Good Head line,
5. Sun line,
6. Great Rectangle,
7. Great Triangle,
8. Girdle of Venus without any gap.

The more these signs remain on hand, the more it is good for the person. Also good mounts of Jupiter, Mercury, Moon and Mars indicate the favorable ways or careers in life.

Girdle of Venus sign on a Girl's hand

A Girdle of Venus sign represents intellectuality and high mental sensitiveness. But it becomes a problem when it appears broken on a girl's hand. It indicates hysterical temperament. This also increases the tendency towards morbid imagination. These girls reportedly become moody, and difficult to live with.
But if the sun line is prominent and deep, then the person can be a famous artist, singer, actress, or a very good writer in her life. Nevertheless, the girl will come in contact with many other persons of opposite sex.

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