Thursday, January 22, 2009

Spatulate hand: that enjoys everything

This hand has broad and thick finger tips. The nails are long and knuckles are more or less prominent.
If the spatulate hand is hard, then they are very independent and have a great personality. They are sometimes moody and tempered unless there is a straight head line. But their nature is unsteady and sometimes cannot advance steadily in works. They want to do everything in hurry. They become angry suddenly but it lasts for only a few moments. They are very humorous and like jokes, funs very much. They want to spend every moment of their life in laughter and hastiness.
They often become sailors and explorers. They have a natural tendency to marine science, architecture, or accounting related tasks, physics, chemistry, math etc. They can be expert in these fields.

But if the hand is soft and fleshy, then the above qualities will lie hidden within them. In other words, they have talents which could not flourish. They cannot do much physical work.

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