Monday, March 21, 2011

010 love and marriage


Right Hand

i'm right handed.

can you tell me when i'm going to get married and is it possible to tell he anything about what he's like?
if there's anything else you can tell me, it will be greatly appreciated.
if it's anything bad please don't tell me. as you can see i have many lines little lines on my hand which indicates that i get stressed out very easily and i worry alot.
thank you
Sorry for being a little (!) late to answer. Your lines are a little complex to read, it is very possible that you yourself are also the same kind of unpredictable nature! Anyway, your marriage lines appear on around 25 and 31 years age. So that means you will get involved in deep relationships (like marriage) in those ages. Be sure to know that marriage lines don't guarantee for marriage.

 I am not going to tell other things about marriage, because you urged not to tell bad things. And there are also pretty good things about your life and career, though this free offer is only valid for love and marriage.  Good day.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

009: love and marriage

May you tell me whether my marriage is love or arrange?
How will be my married life?
Is there any possibility of any love marriage? Is there any problm in my married life?
And when i will get married?
Palm with double heart line

Result of palm analysis concerning love and marriage
Vertical lines crossed your marriage lines at 26 years age. Also there are descending lines from heartline at that age. These signs are implying that between 26-28 years age, you will deeply fall in love for someone, but your family will be against this relationship and somehow that will not turn into marriage. If that is not the thing, please let me know.

I should also tell you that due to your entangled heart line, you will be misunderstood and mentally hurt in every romantic relationship, that means love affair won't last long for you. It simply won't work out successfully.

There is a possibility that at 30 years age, there will be a love marriage for you. However, I can't say that your married life will go happily. Your heart line implies that your life partner won't be of your kind and you will be dissatisfied with your partner.
I am sorry to say this. I am sorry to dishearten you, but the logical analysis ultimately brings out the above result. I wish, I could turn the result into a positive one!

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