Friday, August 5, 2011

Find out your age of marriage by yourself

You might often wonder, how the hell a palmist could tell when my marriage would be! Well, here is the step by step procedure of measuring the ages for significant (!) love and marriage.

1.      Take a ruler.

2.      Measure the distance between the heart line and the base of little finger. You should place the ruler by the side of your palm just the like the way as shown in the figure. Here you see, there are total  17 divisions. This length will represent 50 years life span of your life.
3.      Now count the number of divisions for marriage lines. In case of this person in the figure, we see, the marriage line is at 12 divisions counting from heart line towards the base line of the little finger.

So the age representing at 12th division will be his year of marriage.
17 divisions = 50 years
1 division = 50/17 years = 2.941 years
12 division = 2.941 x 12 = 35.292 years

so the person will find his true love at 35 years age.  Now this is only in one hand. To be more accurate, you must measure the age of marriage at your left hand too. Say, there are two marriage lines at 25 years and 35 years in your left hand.
So the possible years of falling in love and marriage will be at 25 and 35 years.
I have heard about someone married at 78 years age. I wonder, how could I measure her age of marriage!
You have learned how to find out the years of love and marriage. But what will happen during the marriage, and after the marriage? Will the family life be peaceful? Will your relationship turn into a successful marriage? There are lots of other questions. I hope I will clarify these topics later. But for now why don’t you roll your sleeves and get down to measure your own years of marriage and of others? Cheers!


  1. I used this method...and my divisions are 19 not 17..and marrige line meet at 10 then what wil be the age of marrige.

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  2. @ Nousheen,

    if my calculations are right then it should be 26.3

  3. i have 20 divisions and my marriage line is in 9th division. Then wat will be my marriage age

  4. @durga

    it should be around 22-23

    1. pls tell me my marriage age i have 16 divisions and marriage line meet at 10.what will be the age of marriage?

    2. pls tell me my marriage age i have 16 divisions and marriage line meet at 10.what will be the age of marriage?

    3. gonchu formula is no. of divisions from heart to marriage/total no of divisons *50

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. @ John, Thank you for helping durga and nousheen. I am happy to see you here. I have your email and I m working on it:)

  6. @ Gentle, Thank you sir, highly appreciate your website and good to hear that you are working on my email..Hope it will be soon

    1. i have total of 21 divisions. my marriage line comes in the 14th division. wat will b my age of marriage?

  7. sir,im very inspired by ur blogspot...i dont take much of ur valuable time.i have a small doubt regarding palmistry.

    im a right hander by birth .

    kindly please clear my doubt..

  8. @ GK, The lines change from time to time on both hands. Usually the changes occur when you take some initiatives to change yourself or develop some extra qualities within yourself. There are also diminshing lines which are due to the inactivity or not doing what he is supposed to do.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. thank u sir for clarifying its is very helpful...

  11. what a load of crap

  12. hi, i have 21 division and marriage line at 12 division so can you tell me marriage Age ??

    1. i got 20 exactly but im not sure ive done it right

    2. its going to 17 in everone hand i measured it with small scale of 15cm

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. It was @1.4 cm in my left hand (dominant hand) and in right hand there are 2 marriage lines. The first one is at 0.9 cm and the second at 1.6 cm. The total distance in left hand is 2 cm and in right hand 2.1 cm.

      I am 47 years old still unmarried and no love even though I revealed my love to 2 girls but refused by both on same grounds (both already engaged). One girl was rude (to the extent of spurning me so rude that she was she said you will be killed).
      The second girl was a very sweet girl both in looks and behavior unlike the first girl.

      These 2 events happened at age 30 and 33.

      I fell in love while in school at age 16 but the girl hardly knows that I existed.

      My mother has her marriage line so high that she will be married only near age 40 if going by what is written here but she was married at age 21 (not unusual during those times)

      Can anyone elaborate on these issues (me and my mother). Since the age goes by assumption it can't be right, right?

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. i have 16 devision and marriage line 10 my age is 27 years


  13. Whenever you want....I am ready hehehe

  14. i have 17 divisions and i checked on both right hand and left hand it falls off at 8th and 12th decision , the 12th line is darker , my age is 23 :S wen will i get married

  15. sorry thats another annoymous i used the same name

    i have 17 divisions and i checked on both right hand and left hand it falls off at 8th and 12th decision , the 12th line is darker , my age is 23 :S wen will i get married

  16. Sir, the total divisions is 20 and my marriage line meets at 12. At what age I will get married or when will I find my true love

  17. Cant understand why its too very difficult..its a simple mathematical calculation
    If 20=50
    Then 12=?
    30 yrs

  18. The system is hardly accurate. I have 14 divisons with lines at the 11th and 13th divison. That means I will get married somewhere between 39 and 46... guess what? I was married and divorced at 24 and married again at 27 and happily married for the last 15 yrs. Any explanation?

    1. hahaha...that was a good one!! This is all fake!!

    2. If the system is not accurate for u, there must be something that you are missing to count. It should be accurate, as usual.

  19. how to know it is love or mrrnged mrrg :(

  20. its so easy ;)

    looks at your life line that starts from thum and ends at wrist.
    take a pencil imagine the width of the pencil is 5 years keep measuring 5 after 5 after 5 where you see a dark cut over the life line.
    imagine if at your age of 27 there is a cut and it has a round around it meaning love marriage if not its an arranged marrage ;)

    now dont get confused as there are lot of tiny lines cut across ur life line watch it...
    if u have a close look at this the cutting like have a hint line connected to ur emotional line.

  21. I used this method...and my divisions are 17..and marrige line meet at 13 then what wil be the age of marrige.

  22. I used this method...and my divisions are 18..and marrige line meet at 11 then what wil be the age of marrige.

  23. 18 division = 50 years
    1 division = 50/18
    11 divisions = 50/18 *11
    Marriage Age = 30.5

  24. Marriage age = 50/19 *10 = 26.3yrs

  25. My division =17
    My marriage line = 11
    What is my marriage age?

    1. division =17
      so 17 division =50 years according to formula
      now 50/17=2.941
      merriage line at 11
      so 11*2.941=32 your age of merriage =32

  26. hi......i used this method...and my divisions are 23..and marrige line meet at 13 then what wil be the age of marrige.

  27. my total division is 15 and my marriage line meets at 4 and 10 so when i'll get married am now 24years

  28. Hi
    Are you based in holland. Can you please share your contacts. I would like to meet up if possible

  29. not true,,,my division is 20 and marriage life is on 13. i should be married at yet....but m still waiting for marriage .... m 36 years old:P

  30. mu division are 21 ad marriage line meets at 12 whats should be the age?

  31. i have 20 divisions and my marriage line is in 12th division for right hand & left hand 20 divisions and my marriage line is in 11th division. Then, wat will be my marriage age ??? any body can tell me

  32. i have 22 divisions. what will be my age of marriage?

  33. Hi there, my right hand has got 20 divisions and have got 3 lines division at 5, 8 & 18. My left hand has got 19 divisions and 2 lines at division 11 & 14. So can I check when will I get married..? Thanks.

    1. girls should check their left palm and boys right palm

  34. Thank you. But since lines in our palm change over time, so does the age of true love/marriage?

  35. i used this method......and my divisions are 19.....and marriage line met at 7.....then what will b age of marriage..??????

  36. hi there.

    i have five marriage lines tow on the left and three on the right and all with childrens lines.what is that mean

    thank you

  37. i have 16 divisions and marriage line meet at 10.what will be the age of marriage?

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Sir,

    I have 3 line on left hands and two dark distinguished lines on right hands. Does it means, I have two to three marriages in my life?

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Sir,
    My total divisions r 21....n my marriage line met at plzzz tell meee my age of getting married??? plzzz

  42. i would like to contact u pls let me know your cntacting details email id or smtng

  43. i have 16 deveisin and marriage line in 10 my age is 27 years

  44. i have 16 divisions and marriage line meet at 8.what will be the age of marriage

  45. total divisions r 20...marriage line division is plz tell me my age of marriage?????

  46. hello, i have 18 division bu dont have any marriage line between in division so can u pls tell me that my marriage age.

  47. my total division is 18 and marriage line met at12

  48. i used this method and my total division is 18 and my marrisge line met at 12

  49. i have 21 divisions and my marriage line is in 14th division. Then wat will be my marriage age

  50. sir,
    i have 18 divisions and line meet at 10. what will b the age of marriage?

  51. I have two marriage lines could u plz identify what does this mean?

  52. hi frnds, im kuttymaa.. any one tell... i hav 18 divisions, and my marriage line meet at 10... what will be my marriage date?

  53. what is your email id or please email me this is my email id please reply me soon

  54. Amazing! haha
    I really did get married at age of 26!

  55. hey, i was just wandering about my marriage lines...i have 2 marriage lines on my right hand and 1 marriage line on my left female ..can u pls tell me what does it indicates....
    to add more: on my right hand, the first marriage line in split like a fork at the end but then it connects to the second marriage line which is close to my pinky finger...on my left hand there's only 1 line and it's parallel at the end with small short line ....pls help

  56. in the picture how to know the life span is having 50 yrs?????????

  57. divya; i got 18 division and two marriage lines one is at 6 division and another at 12 division

  58. divya; i got 18 division and two marriage lines one is at 6 division and another at 12 division

  59. divya; i got 18 division and two marriage lines one is at 6 division and another at 12 division

  60. divya; i got 18 division and two marriage lines one is at 6 division and another at 12 division

  61. divya; i got 18 division and two marriage lines one is at 6 division and another at 12 division

  62. divya; i got 18 division and two marriage lines one is at 6 division and another at 12 division

  63. how to calculate divisions from heart line to little finger tip,,,,could anybody tell me for godsake

  64. my have 20 divisions and marraige line meets at the 13 division so wads the marraige age

  65. 20 divisions and marraige meets on 13 th division so wads the age of marraige

  66. my have 20 divisions and marraige line meets at the 13 division so wads the marraige age

  67. i have 18 divisions and marriage line meet at 11.what will be the age of marriage?

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. have 3 relationship line.which one will be the marriege line

  70. Who knows your future? the source and your hands :-)

    seems I got big jupiter mount, pretty big venus too
    long jupiter finger, long saturn finger
    break down towards thumb in life line @ 25 years
    it reunites again at about 55 years, then goes into a dot, then there is a triangle on the side which is crossed into a star

    my most protruding mount is jupiter, very high mount, well marked no markings on it

    got 3 parallel lines under sun finger - almost looks like a fork, because the middle line is not fully developed yet

    fate line is long, straight, well marked and bends towards sun finger at heart line

    long slightly curved upwards heart line touching between jupiter and saturn, 3 branches at end

    long almost straight head line with 3 branches at end

    big thumb

    outer part of thumb is bigger than inner part of thumb

    left hand has severe break at life line at 25 years too and no rejoining, it also goes on for half the lifeline length the new line like in right hand

    life line is not weak looking or with crosses after it breaks, so might be sign of life change as it breaks downwards towards thumb

    fate line has many breaks in left hand
    fate line is well marked and almost straight in right hand, from wrist to heart, then bend to sun mount

    relationship line at about 30 years it seems

    now guess my age and starsign, personality type

    how much can you deduct from this?

    the original life line was long, going from between thumb and pointing finger all the way down on the wrist (fully around venus mount)
    the breaked one joins it later at about 55 years, then the triangle and star on triangle

    the triangle is on the side of the line, not centered on it
    the triangle is not equally length legs , the legs are arched a bit like a curve - but it is a triangle

    best regards

  71. And if there are two marriage lines then?

  72. I have 21 divisions and marriage lines in 6,11 my age is 24

  73. I'm worried about my 2 marriage lines.plz telling me

  74. I do have two lines of equal length between heart line and base line of small finger ,which one will be the line of marriage ??

  75. Hi there, Mine came down to 15 division and marriage line is on 8th division..what is my expected age????please someone reply.

  76. Wow, this is crazy! I had to work hard because my lines are so faint. But lo-and-behold, this was SPOT ON! I met and married my first husband at 22 (results 21.42!) Divorced. I met my second husband at age 32 (results 32.13!) I was widowed. I met my third current husband at age 43 (results 42.84!)

  77. my have 25 division and marriage line meet in 17. what is my expected age for marriage? please reply..

  78. This worked out to age 16 for me! Thats right about when I met my husband 25 years ago! Love this❤

  79. This is a testimony that I will tell everyone to hear. i have been married for 4 years and on the fifth year of my marriage, another woman had a spell to take my lover away from me and my husband left me and the kids and we have suffered for 2 years until i meant a post where this man Dr.Wealthy have helped someone and i decided to give him a try to help me bring my love Husband home and believe me i just send my picture to him and that of my husband and after 48 hours as he have told me, i saw a car drove into the house and behold it was my husband and he have come to me and the kids and that is why i am happy to make everyone of you in similar issues to meet with this man and have your lover back to your self His email: or you can also contact him or whatsapp him on this +2348105150446.....  thank so much Dr.Wealthy. ...


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