Sunday, November 22, 2009


Zodiac Sign: Aries
Birth Date of the Person: 21st March - 20th April
Governing Star: Mars

If you are born within 21st March and 20th April, then you are a person of Aries zodiac sign. Your governing star is Mars. This star will bestow you strong will power and make you persistent as well as headstrong in nature. You are a born fighter. You have a natural talent on management of a large or small business. You are very good as a boss. You follow the rules strictly and make your subordinates do their best work.

You want freedom in every step, in every work. If someone goes up against you, you quit that task instantly and leave your position for that person.

If you can keep your head cool (!), then there is nothing in this world, that you can't achieve. Success sometimes becomes dangerous for you. Because, complements and flattery can make you to do things, which you are not supposed to do. In these cases, your logic fails against your obstinate intentions, and due to it, you will be the cause of your fall.

You have a sprightly mind; you have always some new ideas or deep thoughts bubbling up in your head. You don't care for others' opinions. Only a strong and logical argument can alter your view.

Often you cross your limit because of your clear-cut, careless comments and thus create lots of enemies in disguise. You are very ambitious and generally, if everything is ok, then you will be awarded a success in your life. Either you will have lots of money or you will get a high ranked position.

You want yourself as the boss in home, business or working field.

Whether you are a man or a woman, you will be happy at work and by overcoming obstacles. By the Providence, you go forth fighting against all types of hindrances. You will face a lot of troubles and problems in your life and career.

You make up your mind from instant effects, not thinking about the far reaching effects. If you really want success, then you must give up rashness and imprudence. Because you join in the fight without any discernment and it is often seen that you are fighting in the wrong side.

Love, relationship and Family life:
Usually you will suffer from love and affection related problems. It is common that you never understand a woman and make many mistakes when you come in contact with a woman.
If you, by chance, get a partner who is totally devoted to your plan and wishes, only then your family life will be happy. Otherwise, romance is not so romantic for you.
For Best Match of Aries: See this link

Career, Money and Wealth:
You are usually able to earn enough money. If you see any big financial plan, then it is possible that you will jump in it without a good thinking. You should be careful of this side of yours.

You are good in saving money, but that is not by chance, rather comes from reasonable investment or big industries or business.

If you are an Aries, then it is possible that you make such a quarrel due to which you will be obliged to go to court, but rarely you will win in the path of law.

Your health is robust and due to your strong physical structure, you are able to work hard. But excessive hard work sometimes brings in illness. You try hard, but while confronting to adversity, you often become depressed, from which grow impatience and quarrelsome nature which in turn give birth to nervous debility and diseases of liver and stomach.

You are not so careful about your habits and life style. You should live a peaceful life and stay within the limit.

You usually suffer from headache, ache in teeth, ear and eyes, epilepsy, a hit or blow on head.
You have a possibility of getting under surgical operations many times.

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