Saturday, November 13, 2010

Saturn as a governing star in love and marriage

The persons born between 22th December to 19th February ( Capricorn and Aquarius )are governed by Saturn. Their saturn mount should be in favorable condition on their hand.

 If Saturn mount is good 

The person feels a great interest in occult science, astrology, mantra, hypnotism etc. He loves to live alone and loves a quiet environment of the village rather than noisy city.
They don't like a luxurious life. If the spouse is spiritual minded, only then their love and marriage will be good and peaceful. But if the spouse is of very luxurious nature, just like the wife of Tolostoy, then surely their life will turn into unpleasant journey. They are naturally very righteous. They can't tolerate any immoral activities and instantly abandon even their wives and children if they find anything not right in them.
A rectangle on this mount is a good sign. Many problems will be solved easily and there will be enough money in old age.

If Saturn mount is bad
A dot in the Saturn mount increases the chance of getting addicted to adultery and drugs. Married life will be in trouble due to it.
A cross on its mount will make the person very depressive resulting in a failed married life.
An island sign on this mount acts for a sudden financial loss, turbulent family life.
A star on this mount is very dangerous. They suffer from serious mental depression and waste many life-turning opportunities. Possibility of sudden trouble and death at later age, especially after 50 years.

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