Friday, October 28, 2011

I would like to know when my marriage happens

Here I am working on three requests: 022, 023 and 024. 025 would have been included, but his palm pictures were not clear enough to say anything worthy.

 First is 022. He says :

Hi Sir,
I would like to know when my marriage happens
My DOB 11-october-1980.
Please let me know sir.

If you examine his marriage lines closely, you will see that the longest and deepest marriage line lies at the upper side, which when measured, gives an idea of late marriage at around 35 years age, but as there is a line from the base of the little finger cuts through the marriage line, the marriage is likely to face some troubles and only his unwavering determination will be able to overcome that trouble. But since there will be trouble, so logically there are a few ways to avoid this situation. He can marry 3 or 4 years before this age and thereby his destiny will be changed by this step. But to choose someone as his wife, he should depend on parents or guardians, because he is very likely to choose a wrong person to become his wife!

023 says:

Date of Birth 30/06/1990

My questions
related to love and marriage life are-

Will I have peaceful love and marriage?

Is there any struggling in my life?

At what age will I get married?

Marriage lines at around 16 and 27/28 years age. But a strong influence line joining the fate line nearly at 27 years age, so marriage will happen at that time, and I can guarantee, it will be a romantic union, because the influence line is coming from mount of moon, though  separation is destined as the marriage line splits at the end.

 024 says:
Hi! I was just wondering if you could give me an analysis? I'm very curious about palmistry and I just wanted to know if you could see anything on my hand (love, marriage, health, etc?)

My DOB is July 8 1994 and I mostly write with my left hand.

Thanks so much!
Her right hand photo is quite incomplete, as marriage lines are not visible, but her marriage lines at left hand are at around 17, 25 and 35 years age.
 Influence lines on venus suggesting that she is largely emotional and passionate and cannot live without love and she will have many affairs at the same time. She will come in close contact with many persons in her whole life.
As there are many descending lines from heart line, It will be difficult for her to find a peaceful married life.

If you have any comments, please put it in the comment link below.

Monday, October 17, 2011

I´m interesting know about my relationships, if I´ll marry, when???...

Hello 020,
You have portrayed some very much questionable questions to me including the followings:
Left hand
right hand
1. I´m interesting know about my relationships, if I´ll marry, when???...
2. if I´ll have children...
3. if is possible about my carrer.
4. I have a doubt about my left hands line. Have I a girdle venus?
At first we should take a brief look at your nature and attitude. You will see that your head line and life line are separated but that remains joined in the hand of most other people. So you are extraordinary in this case. But head line and life line are separated, what does it mean? 
Head line and life line are separated
This separation in both hands confirms that you can take decisions instantly and independently, and you become daring sometimes, at least mentally.

But the problem arises, when the head line is sloping. 

It indicates that you are inclined to work or do anything only by moods. If the mood or desire doesn't come, though you are always brilliant and clever, may often waste your life doing nothing. Being moody won't help you much in your relationship and career. If you become moody, you are becoming a slave of your mind, but if you ignore your mood and keep working even if there is no mood for work, only then you are going to be the master of yourself.
Your marriage lines are lying at 22, 28 and 34 years age, so you will fall in love at those years and eagerly plan to get married. If you examine your marriage lines carefully, you will see that left hand marriage lines are indicating 22 and 34 years age for love and marriage. But in the right hand, you will see that there is only one deep marriage line at 28 years age and a careful look will reveal some vertical lines crossing the marriage line. These crossing lines represent trouble in your love and relationship. That means you won't be happy in that relationship. So look for a relationship at 34 years age and that will surely be better for you, I can promise:)
In your left hand, that was forming a girdle of venus, yes. Girdle of Venus is simply related to intellectuality and moody nature. In your right hand, that is not present. It indicates that your moody nature is much minimized now.
About children, I don't know for sure. If anything I can help, let me know. If you have any comment, please put it in the comment link below.

Friday, October 14, 2011

what do u see in my palm?

This is for you, 019. As you have requested to have a look at your palm lines for an inquiry regarding love and marriage, here I am at your service:)
Left hand
Right hand

Marriage lines are not clearly visible, I can only figure out three tiny marriage lines, that means-
1.       love, I mean true love will come in your life at least for three times and now it's up to you whether you will give it a chance or not. But the exact time, I cannot tell, because, your lines are pretty tiny and hard to measure in a scale:)
So I am depending on heart line and head line. Your heart line reaches under index finger, indicating that-
2.       you are trustworthy in love and affection.
But there are some descending lines on heart line, suggesting that-
3.        you are likely to face some unpleasant things of your beloved persons and thereby getting hurt mentally.
 However a straight head line suggests that-
4.       you are making yourself somewhat practical and if you try a little bit, you can ignore those small unpleasant facts and I am sure, it will bring peace in your love and romance.
Have a happy love and marriage!

Note: you will notice that on left hand, head line and life line joined in the beginning; but on your right hand, head line and life line are apart. Why is that difference?

It's the impact of change of lifestyle. Joined lines on left hand means you were cautious and nervous inherently. But the childhood atmosphere made you strong enough so that now you have developed your mentality in a way, now you can make your own choice and become more confident than ever. It is a very good quality for the battlefield of life. I am sure, your talent alone can make a path among the crowd, where others are still awaiting for their luck to help them. Best wishes to you.

Monday, October 10, 2011

How does love/marriage/relationships look for me?

Dear 018, we can start analyzing your palm lines from head lines. After all, head lines represent mental attitude of the person. So if we know a person's mentality, we can reasonably find out his or her usual actions and behaviours regarding particular matters like love, romance and relationship.

We see that both your head lines are sloping downward. It indicates an impractical artistic attitude. That means-
1.       You love to imagine a lot. While making decisions, most often you don't think about financial gain or loss, rather you  make decisions based on your likings and instant impulses.
 The beginning of head line is intertwined with life line, indicating that-
2.        you are naturally very cautious.
Sloping head lines indicate that -
3.       you imagine lots of frightening things though they are unreal.
 Along with this fragile nature, lots of lines running all over the palm, so-
4.        your life will be eventful, and you will change your mind constantly.
As we have got a glimpse of your nature, so we can safely conclude that in case of love and romance-
5.       You become pretty nervous in front of opposite sex,
6.       If something goes wrong in your relationship, you become very worried and tend to imagine lots of unreal things!
7.       As your mind changes constantly, so sometimes you feel that you like your partner and some other times, you feel that you dislike him or her most.
We have surmised the behaviours based on reasoning. Now we can dig into heart line to see what lies inside the nutshell.
You have a heart line sloping downward at the end.
1.       You will love with your whole heart and soul, but affection will be misplaced and possibly never returned.
Your heart line consists of many descending branch lines indicating that-
2.       you will get hurt mentally from your lover and it will be pretty difficult to maintain a long term relationship.
3.       Often you will find something in your lover's behaviour which will be difficult to bear with.
And from your marriage lines, 22, 25, 35, 37 are important years in your age. I will forbade early marriage. The marriage at 35 years, there will be separation or divorce.
So that's it for now. Hope it explains a few things regarding love and marriage. Don't hesitate to make comments!

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