Monday, January 26, 2009

An introduction to principal lines

  1. Life Line: the line that encircle the higher mount of the venus, is called the life line. The position of this line, depth, continuity, length and island marks etc. can give a comprehensive idea about the general health, physical structure and the length of life.

  2. Head line: the line that runs across the palm is known as head line. It indicates everything about the person’s mentality, his attitude, education, mental development, view of life, ethics and attitude towards others. It distinctly indicates the trend of the brain and its interests, the qualities inherited and adopted by work, study and experience.

  3. Heart line: the line that represents the matters related to heart, love and affection rather than sexual desires.

  4. Fate line: this line can be called a line of personality. This line shows whether the person is winning or losing in the game of life. A straight fate line indicates a strong personality of that person, but if other lines don’t support, then he will be apart from others and won’t be social.

  5. Sun line: sun line is the most essential line for a person to get a happy and prosperous life. It helps a good fate line in all ways and the life will flourish with wealth and happiness, name and fame. It brings success to the works. It can give an actor or an artist a vast popularity. This line is the first step for the name of a person. For every person, it will bring success, especially from the time when it starts.

  6. Health line: This line starts from the base of the little finger and runs downward to the life line. It represents the mind and its disturbances. Tensions and mental worries deepen this line and vice versa. If this line does not exist, that is the sign of the best health. It represents that the person’s health is decaying by some unusual mental stresses.
    Generally this line starts from the head line and gradually approaches toward the life line or crosses it. The life line at that age is dangerous and if the health line is more healthy and prominent than life line at that point, then it indicates incurable disease and death.

  7. Marriage Line: These lines usually lie on the side of the mercury mount. However we will know more about love and friendship from other lines.


  1. My health line is really broken and gaps in a space,some areas non-existant. Then it deepens starting from my fate line to my life line and continues downward with downward branches across my palm to my wrist. What does that mean?..

  2. I have enemy line many obstacle


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